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For us, the most important thing is to protect the privacy of users. We make sure that the information provided by you remains private and is used only for the purposes for which it is intended. SC DENIS SHOES SRL aims to protect and respect its users.


The site collects information using Google Analytics tools such as location, gender, age, devices used to access the site, demographics, age, affinities, spoken language, location, behavior, frequency, engagement, browser used, technology used, provider internet, device used (mobile, PC, tablet), behavior in the pages of a site, products purchased, value of products purchased, Bounce Rate, time spent on the site, number of pages visited on average, IP address, location and traffic information that the Google Analytics tool embodies. The information may be compiled and presented to third parties, this being done in accordance with GDPR rules (see the dedicated GDPR page).


Personal information about you will not be alienated, rented, sold, borrowed, exposed or otherwise disclosed to third parties unless we have your permission. We may only use your personal information to contact you at certain intervals. time for issues directly related to our site.


Please note that the publication of any personal information about you in the public access area of ​​our site (blog section) may be collected and used by other persons over whom we have no control.


The security measures designed by us, both technically and organizationally, have the role of protecting your personal information. However, we cannot guarantee that our security cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons using advanced means of information.


The "privacy policy" may be modified by the administrator if he / she deems it necessary. Users will be notified of changes made by the Administrator, so that users are constantly aware of the type of information we collect and how to use it.


The site uses cookies to allow users to change the way they display web pages, depending on personal preferences, which are retained between sessions. In this way, both aspects related to the functionality and to the graphic display of the pages can be modified and retained in this way. (see the dedicated page called "Cookies Policy").

Processing personal data through Google AdWords and Facebook Ads tags

On the pages of the website, through a remarketing tag and a conversion code, received from Google AdWords and / or Google Analytics, cookies are collected, information that identifies only a web browser on a particular computer and which cannot directly identify a person. The Google remarketing label collects cookies in order to display advertisements on the websites of the Google Display network and in Google Search. ANNA CORI also uses remarketing tags and conversion code provided by the Facebook company with the role of displaying ads to users who come in contact with the website Like Google's remarketing tag, the Facebook Ads tag collects cookie data that may indirectly identify a user in order to provide them with advertisements.

If you do not agree to this data being collected regarding your sessions of visiting this website, you can select the option to stop storing cookies. This will stop the collection of data by pixels (tags) from Google Analytics, Google Adwords and Facebook Ads.

When users visit a page of the website that contains remarketing tags, the browser cookie they use is added to a remarketing list. A remarketing list is a set of user cookies, generated by one or more remarketing tags. Google AdWords uses cookies to display sponsored ads on the websites of the Google Display Network and in Google Search to users who have visited the pages of the website